By Pamela Gleeson ( October 19, 2010 at 2:38 pm) · Filed under Web Design, content, seo, usability

In the days of AMC’s Mad Men, it was said everyone expected problems to be solved in an hour, because television shows lasted an hour. In today’s world we all want everything done in seconds. Guess what? This means your website doesn’t have a second to spare. Impressions are made about your website and your business in less than a second. Clients want to know much more about you before they trust you and choose to do business with you. Does your website stack up? Read the rest of this entry »
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By Pamela Gleeson ( October 5, 2009 at 3:28 pm) · Filed under Social Media Marketing, marketing, seo, social media
At it’s very basic level participating in social media marketing is announcing to the world, communities in the world and individuals, “I’m alive,” I exist, I have something to say that may be of value to you.
Whether you are blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, Blipping, YouTubing, LinkedIning or using any of the other social media applications, the first thing to consider is “What is my social media strategy, and how does it fit into my overall internet strategy, marketing strategy, business strategy?”
First, a definition of strategic planning is in order. Strategic planning, according to Wikipedia, “is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.”
We feel the time has come for our clients to include social media marketing in their strategic planning at some level. We have added social media consulting services to our internet consulting offerings. Our blog will incorporate guidelines Read the rest of this entry »