I am Alive – A Statement About Social Media Marketing

share this most popular social media iconsAt it’s very basic level participating in social media marketing is announcing to the world, communities in the world and individuals, “I’m alive,” I exist, I have something to say that may be of value to you.

Whether you are blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, Blipping, YouTubing, LinkedIning or using any of the other social media applications, the first thing to consider is “What is my social media strategy, and how does it fit into my overall internet strategy, marketing strategy, business strategy?”

First, a definition of strategic planning is in order. Strategic planning, according to Wikipedia, “is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.”

We feel the time has come for our clients to include social media marketing in their strategic planning at some level.  We have added social media consulting services to our internet consulting offerings. Our blog will incorporate guidelines for our clients and visitors, including practical ways to incorporate social media into a marketing plan. We’ll also look at how to allocate resources to achieve additional brand exposure and help accomplish your overall marketing goals.

Our blog will also include information on other aspects of our internet consulting business and other topics we find interesting and relevant.

Join us as we journey forward through various aspects of web design, database development, e-commerce, print, search engine and social network marketing, content management, blogs, web application software, hosting, technology and business.  We’ll explore challenges and opportunities in the film industry, business consulting, hospitality, retail, e-commerce, and non-profit organizations.

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